Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easter Sunday

Happy Egg Hunters
 Easter Sunday we spent the morning at our wonderful church celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour! There is no more meaningful days for Christians than Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday! Through Christ's death and resurrection is offered to us the gift of salvation and remission of our sins.

The saturday before Easter we went to a friends house for an egg hunt and the kids had a great time with that. Easter Sunday my brother, sister in law, and my nieces came over. We had a wonderful afternoon hanging out and doing another egg hunt outside. Every time I see my nieces they seem to have grown soooo much. They are both smart and sweet kiddos and we'll miss them when we move out of state!

The picture above is of Baby C with Uncle Q. Aunt T made the twins hair bow out of nylons which C is wearing in the picture! My sister in law is extremely creative and talented. She is always figuring out a new fun project!
 Eating candy after the Easter Egg Hunt.
My sister in law and I had a great time hiding the eggs around outside
and then helping the little kids find them.

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