Sunday, May 11, 2014

Born Into This World With A Friend

I noticed yesterday that while Baby B was laying on the floor that Baby C came up and gently put her head on Baby B's head like she was cuddling with her or trying to kiss her. Today Baby C came to Baby B again and put her head down on her head and then twice she kissed her!!!! NO DOUBT she was showing affection for her twin sister! I told the kids how cool I thought it was that her first kiss she gave is to her sister.

What I found so interesting about this is that out of all the people in the family that can show Baby C affection her twin sister B would be the least able to show affection to her because she really can't move on her own yet. So I find it very interesting that she tries to kiss and cuddle with her twin sister even though her twin can't cuddle her back it just goes to show there is a special bond there and I find to so amazingly beautiful to watch!! What a gift these girls have been given . . . born into this world with a friend!!

I love listening to them laugh at each other too. One will laugh and then the other will laugh back. It is adorable to watch!!

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