Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Good Egg

A few posts back I did a little song dedication to my sweetheart so to show what a sweetheart he is I have a story. Babe left recently for a business trip and he left earlier morning. Each day Babe boils me 2 eggs and leaves them in the pot for me for when I get to them in the morning. It is so busy to try to eat earlier on in the morning. Anyway, Saturday he had gotten up to leave and fly out. When I came down I thought I wonder if he boiled the eggs ( NOT expecting that he would) but sure enough there in the pan were 2 boiled eggs ready for me to eat because that is my hubby always watching out for me. The sight of those boiled eggs made my heart happy NOT because I had food ready to eat but because he cares so much that he takes his time to do things like that.

He is a "good egg".

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