Thursday, October 9, 2014

Out of the Mouths of Babes . . .

Big C and I were reading and discussing a book on castles, pyramids, temples, etc. for school. I was reviewing today about what we had talked about yesterday about pyramids. We talked about how the pyramids are tombs and how they believed after death they would go to an afterlife and be able to have with them in the afterlife those things that were in the tomb with them (pets, whatever else). C knows there is no afterlife the way they thought of it but that there is an eternity of heaven or hell. I said the only thing we can take with us is our soul after death. My Big C is a very soft spoken kid and does not talk a lot. Almost immediately after I said that I heard him say "and our love." I was shocked . . . how beautiful . . . and how true . . . how insightful!!!! Yes, we take our love with us. We did not carry on the conversation. I was amazed at his little mind with such big thoughts. But yes, "We love Him because He first loved us." God sent His Son to earth to die out of love for us and we Love our Heavenly Father for the love He showed us through the gift of His Son. We'll surely take that with us to Glory.

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