Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's Started . . .

Baby C is taking careful well thought out steps. She is not walking as her main mode of transportation but that is coming!!

When I thought of the 3 youngest in the past these pictures are pretty close to what I imagined.
It is obvious that they will have a GRAND time together. They all have VERY STRONG personalities so I am sure there will be fireworks along the way but a lot of fun too.
Baby B and J seems to especially hit it off.

Baby C kept plugging her ears the other day when I would sing a silly song. Also, the other day Baby C was crying and Little J and Baby B both patted her back as she cried. Very sweet. What friends it looks like they may be.

J is becoming more and more aware of God which thrills my heart. He sings with us during devotions whole heartedly. The other day my mom and I were sitting and talking and out of the blue J talked about how God made animals and people. Later the same day I went to put him to bed and the older boys were away that sleep in the same room. He asked a question about one of them and realizing they were not going to be there when he went to bed he asked "Is God there?":-) ABSOLUTELY He is. J is also pretty careful about praying for his food now. What a blessing to see him learning about his Creator and how he loves him and takes care of him. I noticed awhile back he seemed bothered when I mentioned Jesus dying on the cross . . . so interesting for such a young boy. J is a very strong child and I would love to see that strength of spirit go into J's Heavenly Fathers business. 

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