Thursday, October 16, 2014

I Don't Know What Happened . . .

I don't know what happened tonight but the house was calm, quiet, I had time to do laundry at a decent time, G finished his homework by 7pm (which is almost unheard of and that is working just about from the time he gets home and stopping to eat). Baby C decided tonight she would try walking as her primary mode of transportation and she was so content (not always her strong suit). I even went out to the garage and road the stationary bike while Babe came out there on the couch and hung out!!!!! WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED!!! We seem to run on hamster wheels constantly going and going and going and for tonight it seemed to stop. I found 5 kids in G's room hanging out (the twins were in bed). What a tremendous blessing and just at the right time and completely unexpected. It just happened . . . well, orchestrated by a loving God. Thank you God for an evening of doing some catching up on laundry, hang out time for G, happy babies, time to exercise, and time for the kids to hang out. Thank you for being good to me and my family.

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