Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Grandma and Grandpa

My parents have invested a lot of love into my children and
for that I am grateful. I know my kids are too.
My parents love and devotion are tremendous blessings to our family.
Their love will leave a lifelong impression on them as it has me.

My mom was here for a little over a month helping me with the kids
schooling. I can tell you I already feel her absence during the school day
now that she is gone. I have been spoiled. She left though having helped get the older
kids in a great routine.

J LOVES LOVES books and Grandma read a lot to him.

"A" got a project done for school under Grandma's instruction.
"A" did a great job on her presentation to us too.

I never got a picture of "G" playing games with Grandma which is to bad because 
those two LOVE to play board games together. One night they had a very rowdy game of Scrabble!!

My mom would tell someone she is not strong but she is stronger than she thinks and the pictures above are proof . . .
I am here to say that takes strength to manage those three.  . . . Alot of it.
We were having a great time with Grandpa the short time he was here to pick my mom back up.
Big C enjoyed hanging out near him.

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