Sunday, October 19, 2014

This Week . . . at our Home

Top video: Baby B being as adorable as it gets.
Middle video: Big C is saying his school Bible passage and doing a great job especially considering all the distraction around him!
Bottom video: Is "A" messing around with a new app on her I pad that does time laps photography. I think it is cute how she ends it.

We had a full week at our house. Babe's aunt and uncle were visiting with us and left earlier this week. I am going to wait to get the pictures they took while here to post. They are both photographers!

Last Saturday "A" got a new (to her new) used piano. Her piano teacher had found it for WAAAAAAY under its value. Her teacher felt she needed to have a piano that had the correct tone, consistent feeling in the keys, etc. Her teacher did the leg work on finding it and coordinating its delivery.  We used money we had put in "A's" account for her. We felt this was a good use of some of the money we had put away for her. She knows this is her piano and she'll take it with her when she leaves. She LOVES piano and works VERY hard at it. Her piano teacher really is impressed at the amount of consistent work she puts in. I am excited to hear her start practicing Christmas music now. She has it picked out!

Well, the man that sometimes helps with Big C at wrestling was not helping the other night and so to make sure C kept learning I stepped in to instruct him and that was interesting. I learned how you grab the chin, lace the arm under his arm reach across back and then with right knee down and left foot on floor propel yourself and opponent over. It works tremendously well and Big C did it on me. Probably not something they see at that wrestling club everyday but whatever works!! I thoroughly enjoy wrestling nights. It is an environment I feel very comfortable in. I love wrestling moms because they are no frill type people and there is no need to dress up or wear an abundance of make up. I always enjoyed playing sports.

G had 2 projects due this week. One he almost completely finished last weekend and the other he had started on but still had to do most the work for.  He got them done which is great. He got VERY EMBARRASSED this week when in Latin class the teacher photocopied his translation of a paragraph and handed it out in class and said something to the effect of "now you have a safe 'G' translation". G said he could feel his face turning red. "G" seems to have something I never really felt and that is love of his school. I didn't hate my school or anything I just didn't feel strongly about it. "G" LOVES his school and his teachers. There is another family that lives near us and their son goes to G's school and is on the swim team so we have just started the carpool thing for swim team practice which hopefully will work out well.

Babe made a major family decision this last week. In fact, a huge change for us all. I am very excited to see what God is working on in our family's lives. No, I am not going to go into this . . . we'll see how it all plays out.

Babe left for Germany and so I'll really need to be on my toes this next week.

Thoughts this week:
I watched as R and Big C were doing pushups in wrestling and hearing everyone say after each pushup "thank coach!!" there was another phrase too but it is not coming to mind. What a coach does is for their betterment and although uncomfortable and possibly painful you know it is because he wants you to succeed that he pushes you.  I thought if only to have that attitude toward discomfort/difficulties in my life to God "thank you God I know your at work.. I know you're making me stronger and of greater faith." Just a thought.

I've had lots of thoughts this week but my head doesn't hold thoughts long. I often forget them so they must not be to important!!

This stage of life is exciting. I am starting to see what it is my older kids love and that is super fun. I am seeing more and more who they are individually. It is extremely busy but I thought this week "I am at the stage that one really dreams of when younger." I am in full on Mommy mode to different stages of kiddos.

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