Saturday, June 7, 2014

Afternoon with Family

My brother Q, Me, and my cousin L.

This last Sunday our family went up to the church my younger brother pastors and spent the day there. After church we went to their home and they hosted a get to together with one of my cousins on my mom's side and us. Our family really enjoyed the day of fellowship with both my brother's family and my cousin and some of her family! The kids ran around and played and some enjoyed playing with Uncle Q's and Aunt T's chickens. We really did have a great time of fellowship and my sister in law was soooo careful to serve a meal I could eat without hesitation. I really appreciate her thoughtfulness.

Also this last Sunday morning Babe got off his last shift at NORAD! It was an exciting day knowing he was done with his shift work. Babe LOVED the job and loved the people he worked with but was so glad to be leaving the schedule. His crew threw an unofficial party for him. One lady baked a cake and wanted to make it look Navy so she frosted it blue and put a Captain Hook on it and a Blue Angel aircraft. Pretty funny and kind! I read the card that was given to him and he is going to be missed. His crew enjoyed having him as a boss. The Lord was so good to Babe throughout this job. The Lord gave him strength, patience, wisdom, focus, stamina, and excellent crew members throughout his time there. Now on to the next challenge . . . Babe found out this week that he has been accepted to the College of William and Mary to work on a MBA! Lord willing, he will start his studies part time this coming fall. He has worked on and prayed about the possibility of this for awhile and his military comrades have encouraged him toward it. I am excited for him and I must admit proud of him as well! I am thankful for how the Lord is working in his life. He loves academics and is preparing himself for what the future may hold. Never a dull moment in this house!

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