Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Gabriel's 12th Birthday

 G the birthday boy. He just turned 12 years old!! My baby isn't so much a baby anymore! So thankful for G and his great spirit which to this mom means more than a whole lot of other things in life. G is a head in the clouds type kid. He thinks and thinks and thinks and reads and reads and reads. He reads A LOT. He LOVES legos and is a huge fan of Lord of the Rings (pretty much our family is). Recenty he has taken up some fun type sketching and enjoys sitting and doing that. He wants to save up his money to buy a stop-motion-animation software kit so he can put his legos to work!

My sister-in-law and my nieces were able to come with us to Hungry Bear restaraunt for Gabriel's birthday breakfast. He LOVES going to Hungry Bear to have sausage gravy and biscuits! It will probably be our last trip to the local favorite before our move:-( At breakfast Auntie T gave him his gift which was lots of different types of candy all representative of answers to questions she had asked him earlier. Very neat and fun! Later in the day we went as a family to a super mini golf place that we have enjoyed in our time here. The kids LOVED this and J was THRILLED with hitting a ball around! On the way home he kept saying "hit ball", "hit ball"! G loves mini golfing too and we actually golfed last year on his birthday.

In the van on the way down to the Springs to golf G opened his gift from us. He was THRILLED to say the least. He had wanted this lego set sooooo badly before it was discontinued. That caliber of gift is not normal for us to give but this year our kids have given so much to help us with the twins, etc. It is nice to make a childhood dream come true before they're grown up. You don't hear G thank us in the video. He was much to overwhelmed in the video but he thanked us over and over and over and over again later. The next day he told me how much he enjoyed his birthday. It was the best ever for him. I realized later I forgot to take pictures of him with his birthday cake!!!

Thanks G for being a terrific kid.

When watching the video below notice the green neck pillow G is wearing. He had wanted his sister "A" to make him one of her neck pillows which are better than store bought ones because of the stuffing she uses in them. He WAS SOOOOOO Happy that she made him one he really truly wore it around the house much of the morning and took it with him in the van. He loves it. He also got a great card from Big C and craft made pig from his brother R. R also bought him a $10 game for his Ipad which was very generous for a boy that doesn't make much money!!! G really did have a fabulous birthday.

J eating breakfast at Hungry Bear

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