Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last Pulmonary Appointment?

 The girls have their ID wrist bands on ready to go back
to their appt. They both are pulling on the bands and checking them out.
A nurse saw the girls in the waiting room and called them something
like a "smile making factory on wheels". Sweet.
 Pulmonary appts. are VERY LOOOOONG appts. As sweet
as the people there are I won't miss those appts.
The girls favorite part of a pulmonary appt. is tearing up the examination table paper.
This fun lasts for awhile and keeps them busy!
They love it!! By the end of this appt. no paper was left connected to the table:-)
 The lady that has taken care of the girls was very sad we were moving and that 
she wouldn't be able to see the girls. She said she had really enjoyed them.
We had such good care for their pulmonary needs and that
is a tremendous blessing.
We'll have to get some paperwork done in our new area but
it shouldn't be a big deal. I had taken the pulse oxcimeter with me when I went house hunting 
and tested Baby B's oxygen and she did GREAT! It seems their pulmonary needs should
be behind them when we move to a MUCH lower elevation!

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