Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"Okay, Mommy": My Day As A Mommy

A recent development is Jedidiah verbally participating in devotions. I will say something or read a Bible verse and he will often say "Okay, Mommy". VERY FUNNY! Today I was reading some of Proverbs 4 like "love her, and she shall keep thee." Little J says "Okay, Mommy." He said this numerous times as I read and talked. I had asked who "she" was and the older kids said "wisdom." Anyway, I started asking younger kiddos a question. I asked Jedidiah "What are we supposed to do with wisdom?" Of course, he responded that he didn't know. I told him that he was supposed to "hug wisdom in his heart." I tried to get it to more of a level for him and even that I know is really only planting the seeds for understanding later on. Anyway, after all this I think G asked Little J "do you love wisdom?" his response "Nay!!" Truthful for a 2 year old:-) Anyway, I am thrilled he is starting to participate in devotions and I heard him say "Bible" today pretty clearly.

When Babe was having family devotions the other day he was reading out of Nehemiah and asked Big C what the word "beseech" meant. Big C said that he didn't know but that "besiege" was something like when your trying to take over a castle. Cute. 

Isaiah 28:10
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

In Other News . . .
The question of the day was: 
"Mommy, what makes your body know when you are married?" I say, "What do you mean?" Child- "You can't have babies until you're married." :-) Got it :-) Me-"You can have babies when you are not married but it is not the way God wants it. It is more like you tell your body when you are married. Have you heard of keeping yourself pure? 'Yes'  Well, that means that you don't do things with your body that are meant to do when you are married."
End of Conversation.
Never a Dull Moment:-)

Cute Quote of the Day:
"Sleep [slept] well. Head on pillow."
That was little J after he got up from a nap that was very difficult for him to go down for. He woke up happy!
I often tell him to put his head on the pillow.

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