Saturday, June 21, 2014

Goodbye To Our Orthopedic Friends

Nurse S is our Favorite and was really more like a friend.
Dr. S along with our other favorite nurse!
So thankful for their SUPER DUPER care for Baby B!!

Baby B went in for her final orthopedic appt. in Colorado Springs. She got a great report about her hip and she is doing GREAT but she will have to have this followed every year or two until she is fully grown but we are on the right track now!! Going to miss the orthopedic people! They were so wonderful and so caring.

Baby B has been getting up on her hands and knees rocking like she is thinking about crawling!
Can't wait till she is off exploring like Little C.

On the day we had Baby B's last orthopedic appt. "A" was acting a bit off and told us her tooth was really hurting. She ended up at the dentist getting a cavity filled. She felt much better! Then the very next day she was being silly and fell and hit her knee on a decorative item that had been taken down in preparation for our move and it slashed her knee open. She ended up in the ER and getting stitches:-) She handled it in true "A" fashion. Brother "R" didn't even know she had gone to the hospital it had happened so calmly. She is not our drama queen but we do have one of those!:-)

That night after "A" got back from the ER Babe and I had to stay up into the morning hours to get the house ready for the packers and that worked out VERY well. The little ones went to bed and "G"and "A" wanted to stay up late with us. They thought it was fun and they helped us out. "A" was so excited when it was finally time to go to bed to run and check and look at the clock to see how late she was aloud to stay up:-) . . .  the excitement of moving

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