Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Growing Up

Yesterday Babe and I were out sorting the garage and the kids were out too. G decided it was the day Big C should learn to ride his bike and that he was going to work with him! Big C was very hesitant to learn knowing it entailed falling a lot but G got him going and Big C ended up learning faster than any other of the kids!! G used a technique we learned from friends of ours. They told us about first riding down a hill so they can learn balance without having to concentrate on pedaling. It works! Big C is our 3rd kiddo to learn that way. G did a great job working with him and G told me that Big C thanked him. Our family tradition is that on the day one of the kids learns to ride a bike we eat McDonalds for dinner and so we had a McDonalds meal last night!!

Good job Big C Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! You worked so hard!
G, your a great big brother and we're thankful for the time you invested with Big C. He'll always remember that you taught him to ride a bike!

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