Tuesday, December 9, 2014

He's Growing Up Sooo Quickly . . .

G dressed for his school Christmas Dinner/Colonial Dance. How come kids don't stay little?
G went tonight with his Daddy and Yes he does still call him that! to his schools annual Colonial Christmas Dinner and Colonial Dance. He was adamant he did NOT want to dance or dress up BUT he did want to go and eat the food which was a 5 course colonial meal.  His school provides a colonial dance teacher at a certain point in the fall for those who want to learn. We know his sister "A" would LOVE this so maybe next year she can go too. Who knows maybe she'll get him out there but I really doubt it:-)

 G did, in fact, enjoy the food and the 2 minute early American quiz each table took and would go back next year just for those 2 things!:-) That's my G.

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