Sunday, December 7, 2014

Life Experiences for G

 Well, today was another life experience for G. He had his first school swim meet at a private boarding school here in VA about 3 hours away. Daddy said it is quite the place and that it was packed with people. I could hear the cheering. I think that is so fun. G was quite nervous but he is with a great group of people and he really enjoys his coach. When he and his coach see each other they salute:-)

Anyway, someone got a Sharpie marker out and showed G about making 3 columns on the inside of his fore arm and keeping track of his lane #'s, heats, etc. Daddy said he seemed to be catching on. This is all good for G because he is our "head in the clouds" kiddo:-) Exercises in attention are great! Daddy was so proud of him for coming in 2nd to last in his heat in the fly (picture above) and beating a sophomore that was bigger than him. I am sure that was somewhat encouraging as the first race he came in last!

In his heat for the back stroke he got 2nd out of 6 swimmers beating out a sophomore and senior!! Babe said he was BY FAR the smallest swimmer in that race! No winning a race or even coming close today but a GREAT experience and I think he did well for a little Jr. High kid. It definitely was an encouraging day for him. He had so much fun and was excited at the end of the day.

Those that are just reading this blog may wonder why I post some things I do. This blog is for memory keeping for me primarily and if I don't put down some of these things they will be forever lost in my head. I have a lot to think about:-)

G told me a short time ago he was getting the reputation he set out to get in school .  . . that he liked to joke and have fun but he was serious about his studies. He has a great relationship with the kids in his class. A few weeks back he was by a door and his belt loop somehow got caught up on the handle of the door and it took 3 tenth graders and 2 teachers to get him unhooked:-) He still gets ribbed about that . . . like getting congratulated for making it through the door:-)

Another thing that happened lately is that the students were asked to check into what appeared to be a discrepancy in Scriptures and report on why it really isn't. G found the answer on a web sight and so the teacher asked him to give a report to the class on it. G is telling me the story and he said "I don't know if I should have done this. . ." I didn't know what he said/did and then he said at one point "The good old King James says . . . " he said he has his grandpa's blood:-) He had to give a plug for the King James Version:-) One of the kids in his class said "Now he is talking about King James!"

A lady that works at the school came up to Babe this past week and said how much G is enjoyed and that the spirit he brings to the school is enjoyed. I pray for him that he will have wisdom in what he encounters in a day and an "excellent spirit".

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