Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Out with the Old and in with the New!

Well, the van that we purchased last year bit the dust but we have so much to thank the Lord for. We had found out that it would cost $1,700 to repair the air conditioning in September and we decided to hold off until the spring to repair it.:-))))) Praise the Lord, we did not sink that much money into a dyeing van. Also, it was having issues for quite awhile and then in got worse and Babe took it in before he left to go to Germany to make sure we didn't have any problems while he was gone. The day after he left it completely quit and the auto guys were amazed they got it running again at all. So another praise is that we got a heads up that the end was near. We were able to think and talk about it before it died. It then worked until the morning of the day Babe returned!! Praise the Lord. The picture of the towing was actually when it was getting pulled away to get repaired . . . another praise was that it died when I was home and not stranded somewhere.

We now purchased a Chevy instead of a Ford. Our new van handles A LOT better and has WAY better gas mileage. Ahh, life's lessons:-) We have a good God that always provides our needs. At first I was sentimental about the brown van as it symbolized a big change in our family's life but the" new to us van" is definitely a better van. Thank you Lord for providing for our needs.

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

We are created for His pleasure and His purposes. He is worthy to receive glory and honour in all circumstances. We are studying God's will in Sunday school and it has been such a blessing.
He is in control! May I rest in His plans.

1 comment:

  1. Things surely do fall into place if you wait patiently. Putting off the decision to get the old van's air conditioning repaired led you to find a new and better van. If you had decided to get the old van repaired, it would've cost you more, as it would've been back in the repair shop again in no time. Anyway, I hope the new van will prove to be a great addition to your family. Thanks for sharing that, Abigail. All the best!

    Colin Morton @ SeaPort Auto
