Thursday, December 25, 2014

Poem From "A"

"A" bought me a cute $3 bracelet for me to wear at my brother's wedding on New Year's day and it really is beautiful and great for my dress. She bought Daddy some warmers for his gloves for when he is in Germany. She also wrote a cute poem for Daddy and Mommy.

Here is her poem:

Up have we our Christmas tree
and a star on top.
But get not caught completely up in the 
Christmas flow and pop.
For long ago a Saviour was born 
for all the world to see.
He lay in a manger and died on a cross 
for you and for me.
Now think this Christmas season 
about what the Lord has done,
For this world we live in was no better than dung!

-By My Biggest Girl:-)

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