Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Timed Trials and a Family Afternoon/Evening Out

 This was actually not a meet but a timed trials that was at a Wesylan College in Norfolk. It was nice and close and was a great time out for our whole family and we got to cheer for G!!!! The kids did well but by the end the baby girls were done which is understandable.

When we got back to the van "J" (2 years old) asked "G" "Are you done jumping into the bathtub?" We thought that was SOOOO FUNNY!!! Gotta love toddlers and their way of looking at the world!:-) He must have thought we were all crazy cheering and cheering for G just for jumping in the bathtub!! Who knows!
So nice to have family time out and about. R is such a great big brother.
Daddy with Baby C. He gets a kick out of the girls and the twins LOVE to spend time with him. When he is over seas Baby B kisses the Iphone when we are face timing Daddy and Baby C does it sometimes too. Too CUTE!
"A" with Baby B. These two are pals and adore each other.

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