Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gross Them Out

"Be Great Parents. Gross Your Kids Out."
-Sheila Gregoire

My kids know Daddy and Mommy are in love. The other day my 2 year old said to Daddy as he was kissing me "stop kissing her" and then "stop hugging her". My 8 year old really hates the whole seeing us kiss thing but has gotten better since we started teasing him with it and now he plays it more cool. 

At Thanksgiving time when we were going to go around the room and saying what we are thankful for when it came time for my hubby my oldest daughter started pointing at me like "I know what he is thankful for!" Our kids know that their Mommy and Daddy are in love and that we highly value our time together. I loved it that G made our Christmas ornament with a couple holding hands. 

There are a lot of things as parents we mess up on but one thing we are thankful we can show our kids is what it is like to be in love with the one we're married to. 
So glad to be married to my best friend.

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