Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cau Cau's 6th Birthday

 Cau Cau is what we some times refer to him as since that is what one of the twins started calling him and now it is a name he adores.  Twin C will call "CAUUU, CAUUU, CAUUU, CAUUU" To which he will VERY kindly reply "Yes, C." Then she will babble something to him and he will reply "That is nice C." Very sweet.

This was such a special birthday for him. His siblings really made it the special time that it was. I believe it was Big Sis A and Big Bro R that made his leaf crown and his purple royal cape. Daddy was surprised later to see it was real leaves in that crown. He made the perfect Caesar!!! Then Cau Cau himself requested that Big Bro G give Marc Anthony's speech!!! Unfortunately, due to a phone issue I only got the second half of the speech on my phone. :-( You can watch the second half below. Even I was surprised at how the speech ended!! It ends very dramatically and will be a great memory of his 6th birthday party a long with our foreign student who sang him happy birthday in Chinese. It is so cool of him to do that for our birthdays.

I found out recently that C loves the color red so his cake is bordered in red which he allowed little bro J to have a hand in picking. On C's birthday I took he and R out to pick out his balloons and ice cream and we had a great time doing that.

C is our only quiet kiddo and I have enjoyed so much seeing him starting to really show his personality more lately. He is always thinking, he is an AMAZING big brother with never ending patience for his younger siblings (with his immediately older brother patience can be short but even then those two are great friends), and he has a funny sense of humour and way of looking at things.
 For his birthday Cau Cau got this Playmobil Castle and the kids had a BLAST playing with it! This castle is something that would have been out of our price range but I found it when "A" and I were shopping at a second hand sale awhile back and thought it would be a great birthday present for C.

Above he is wearing a white T-shirt at the suggestion of his older Sis who thought it would look better for his party than the play shirt he had on:-)
 C requested hot dogs and chocolate soy milk. No, he is NOT a health conscious kid he just thinks chocolate soy milk tastes better than even regular chocolate milk so chocolate soy milk it was!! He also picked pineapple and a certain flavor of Sun Chips. Some corn on the cob was boiled and it was a party!!!!!!
 Very happy Caesar C!!!
 Can't tell from the pictures but the candles were special and the flames burned in different colors and that was pretty cool to see!!

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