Saturday, May 9, 2015

J's First Trip to the Dentist!

 J said he was "sited (excited) to go to the dentist.
He did a great job!!!
He liked the idea of wearing his Daniel Boone T-shirt:-)
Brother R snapped the above picture after J's cleaning and exam were done.

 We have an amazing pediatric dentist. 
I told J this dentist is the nicest one I have ever met!


  1. Oh my! It's super rare to encounter a kid who is enthusiastic for his first visit to the dentist. Of course, that just goes to show how J is not your average little kid. His courage has astounded me to great lengths. Congratulations on his successful first visit! Thanks for sharing that wonderful milestone, Abigail! All the best to your family! :)

    Cesar Briggs @ Solara Dental Care

    1. Thank you Cesar! I am thankful for such a terrific pediatric dentist and my adventurous 3 year old! :-)
