Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday Afternoon Stroll in the Woods

Our April was CRAZY to say the least as we were in the midst of a move so this weekend we took some time to breathe again and go do some fun things like take the kids to the park near our new home and then go on a hike near where our old house was. We had a GREAT time and the weather was FABULOUS!!

When we started walking into the woods J said "The woods are awesome!" I told him that God is awesome and that since God made the woods that they were awesome.:-) Later after the hike J said something
like the woods were fun and I remember him telling me the water was beautiful! I am so glad he enjoyed it so much because he was EXTREMELY excited to go hiking in the woods especially after we told him that the scary animals that he asked us about being in the woods were not there:-)

The kids had a grand time exploring and pretending to have sword fights with sticks, etc.

To the left:
My cute J with a Lady Slipper flower. I guess it was pretty special we saw this because my dad said he had never seen one in the wild before!!
J looks pretty surprised too!:-)

The little ones enjoyed exploring too!
My sweet A who has been ready for summer for a long time!
We are almost there!
G liked the way the pattern of this wood was! It is pretty neat!

We LOVE the GREENERY of this state!!
Who would expect to see this on the side of a trail?

So much history! Love it!
My Tom Sawyer, R.

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